When things in our lives aren’t moving in the direction we want them to go, we can get discouraged and frustrated. But there are simple steps that we can take to get things back on track (or even started) and it all starts with a decision. Decision shapes our lives.
“When you know what’s most important to you, making a decision is quite simple. Most people, though are unclear about what’s most important in their lives, and thus decision making becomes a form of internal torture.”
~Tony Robbins
Can you think of a time when you decided to change something and it worked out? What were the results? Can you think of a time when you did not make a decision? What happened? Did anything change?
When I don’t make a decision, it allows me “an out” if this doesn’t work out, that’s ok because I didn’t have a lot invested anyway. We are a society of control freaks! We want to control situations. And when we feel we may lose control, we don’t want to move forward because we’ll feel out of control. There must be a balance between letting go and letting yourself go.
Most people live on autopilot. Living each day the same as the last, but they expect things to change. When we don’t set intentions how will we ever change? We want things to change, but we haven’t made a decision or set an intention.
“Making a true decision means committing to achieving a result and then cutting yourself off from any other possibility.”
~ Tony Robbins
What do you want to change in your life?
7 Steps to Changing Your Life
1. Make a Decision to Change Your Life
This may sound obvious, but it all starts with a decision. When you’re ready for change, you know. You may have many areas you want to change. You can use these steps in each of those areas.
“Most people don’t live 70-90 years, they live the same year 70-90 times.”
~Derek Rydall
When you make a decision, you feel better. It takes the energy you were leaking through the debating process and funnels into the choice that you made.
2. Define an area of your life or situation you want to change
This could be health, finances, relationship, career, mental, emotional. Anything that you feel is causing stress or hardship and just want to change or up-level.
3. Why do you want to change it?
Visualize the end result. Will this better your family, your energy, your legacy? Who will this benefit the most when making this change? How will it affect you and others?
When we are crystal clear about our “why” we are more likely to continue our habits when things start to get tough. And they WILL get tough.
4. List everything that is needed in order to get this result
Getting from point A to point Z is going to take some effort and intention. List all the steps that you will need to get there. You may not know all of the steps, but write that down too. These could be habits, tasks, knowledge, classes, networking, etc. This list may seem like a lot, but it’s freeing up a lot of mental energy to allow your mind to work on other things.
5. Pick 3-5 things on this list to focus on for the month
This list will seem overwhelming, but breaking it down into bite sized pieces will get you closer and closer to your goals. Each month, revisit your habits sheet. How did you do? What area do you need work on? What worked, what didn’t? Make a new list each month.
6. Work on this everyday until it is mastered
Create or download a Habits Checklist.
Here you will write the top 12 items/habits you want to track to improve your life. And intentionally setting habits for the goal you’ve listed above.
7. Lean into the uncomfortable
Leaning into the discomfort allows for the biggest opportunity of growth. Think back to times you felt were just awful, what was the lesson you learned from it? There’s always something to learn from pain and discomfort. It’s worth it. What if everything you wanted was just on the other side of the pain?
8. Faith
When things get hard….and they will get hard. Have faith, that you are worth it, your goal is worth it and you are supported. You were pulled to improve this area of your life for a reason? It was not by accident, it is not trivial or worthless. Lean on your faith and trust that things are going to happen. It may not be today, tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year, but your goals will eventually align and be achieved. If you start to feel discouraged and questioning, return to your why. You’ve got this!
If you’d like to get even more clear on this process, contact me to set up a time to chat! Contact Me
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